"I would recommend the workshops to one and all"

"The Resilient Mind session was exactly what I was looking for" "For me personally a superb and much needed information"

"I was able to employ one technique immediately as I was a leader at a meeting the day after I attended the workshop."

"It was a brilliant session and I learned a lot from you, as well as feeling inspired to read deeper into the topic"

"I've nearly finished both courses, they are fantastic, I love you style of presentation but really the content is gold!"

Workshop Delivery Details

In this new venture I have created to help the people, the process will be kept quite simple. As a rule, all workshops will contain the fully integrated best information and tools to rapidly and meaningfully improve your life in the given area. The intent is to compress hundreds of hours of learning and development into a hard-hitting and compressed 2-3 hour experience (including attendee Q&A sessions with worked examples and discussion of all tools). In terms of logistics, either the Workshop description box will include the date and time of the live workshop or it will be supplied in welcome message with the order. If you cannot attend there will be an alternative date/time (e.g. I will cater for other time zones by collating attendees) - in any case I will supply a full recording and materials for offline attendance. After ordering any item(s), you will receive the online workshop login details, also follow up emails with calendar reminders and any pre-work which I may deem valuable.

About Me

I completed a Biochemical Engineering degree in 1990 and since spent over 25 years in corporate technical leadership and management positions. My career specialty has been leading large worldwide teams in complex problem-solving activity, covering the technical and the psychological science to achieve exceptional results. In 2015 I was shortlisted in the top six of around 500 applicants for Chartered Engineer status based on this proven record. In 2012 I switched my focus to integrating the correct root causes of modern chronic disease, sharing my research insights and solutions from the stage at nutrition and health conferences across the globe. I have delivered keynotes at the British Association of Cardiovascular Prevention (BACPR) conference in London, and also similarly across the UK, USA, Ireland, Estonia, Israel, Switzerland etc. Since March 2020 I have again pivoted, now into helping the people with another long-term deep interest of mine: psychology and mental strength. Decades of people management leadership and personal research into this arena has equipped me almost uniquely to help people in this complex sphere.


All workshops are conducted from Dublin with professional learning displays and HD equipment, as you would expect!