* NEXT LIVE SESSION IS FRI MARCH 21st 6pm GMT (first sessions Jan16th/17th/31st & Feb 21st went great!). (backup will always be the availability of session recording with follow up Q&A live meeting if required) (backup will always be the availability of session recording with follow up Q&A live meeting if required)
Ever have negative thoughts flying through your head, that hold you back? Ever have anxiety about a life change where you know you are over-focusing to your detriment...but find it hard not to obsess? Ever have a stressful scenario with work, family or friends...that gets you down - and limits your ability to deal with it effectively? Relationship stresses and strains, anyone? Maybe you've been 'canceled' (or partially canceled) and are finding the feelings hard to reckon with? Or oppressed by the dire state of the world, and the many threats to our futures? These and many more stressful scenarios can all be hugely addressed by understanding the psychology, and tools - of mind management. The REAL science, not the populist, 'positive thinking' schtick!
So folks, this is it - 30 years of management experience and psychological research, crammed into a 2 hour workshop to deliver the best mindset you can hope for. Learn to professionally manage your own mind, rather than being enslaved to a past which never truly existed. Start developing your resilient new self today...!
Full interactive Live Workshop with concepts presented followed by interactive sessions with attendees.